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Ottoman Poetry
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40.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 22 Oct 2012 Mon 09:04 am


Edited (10/22/2012) by gokuyum
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Edited (10/22/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/22/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/22/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/22/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/23/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (7/7/2013) by gokuyum

41.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 23 Oct 2012 Tue 01:43 am

Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi

Etme Don´t


Duydum ki bizi bırakmaya azmediyorsun etme I heard that you were willing to leave us, don´t!

Başka bir yar başka bir dosta meylediyorsun etme You head towards another beloved, another friend, don´t!
Sen yadeller dünyasında ne arıyorsun yabancı What do you look for in the foreign lands, o stranger!
Hangi hasta gönüllüyü kasdediyorsun etme Which sick-hearted person do you want, don´t!
Çalma bizi bizden bizi gitme o ellere doğru Don´t steal us from us, don´t go to those lands!
Çalınmış başkalarına nazar ediyorsun etme You look at stolen people, don´t!
Ey ay felek harab olmuş alt üst olmuş senin için O moon! Heavens have gone to ruin and turned upside down for you
Bizi öyle harab öyle alt üst ediyorsun etme You devastate and ruin us so much, don´t!

Ey makamı var ve yokun üzerinde olan kişi O the one who has a position over existence and absence
Sen varlık sahasını öyle terk ediyorsun etme You leave the ground of existance, don´t!
Sen yüz çevirecek olsan ay kapkara olur gamdan If you turned your face away from moon, it would be pitch-dark because of its sorrow
Ayın da evini yıkmayı kastediyorsun etme You want to destroy home of moon too, don´t
Bizim dudağımız kurur sen kuruyacak olsan Our lips would dry, if you got dried
Gözlerimizi öyle yaş dolu ediyorsun etme You fill our eyes with tears, don´t!
Aşıklarla başa çıkacak gücün yoksa eğer If you don´t have enough power to handle lovers
Aşka öyleyse ne diye hayret ediyorsun etme Why are you amazed with love then? Don´t!
Ey cennetin cehennemin elinde olduğu kişi O the one who has heaven and hell in his hand
Bize cenneti öyle cehennem ediyorsun etme You make heaven hell for us, don´t!
Şekerliğinin içinde zehir zarar vermez bize Poison can´t harm us in your sweetness
O zehiri o şekerle sen bir ediyorsun etme… You mix that poison with that sugar, don´t!
Bizi sevindiriyorsun huzurumuz kaçar öyle You make us happy but it disturbs us
Huzurumu bozuyorsun sen mahvediyorsun etme You disturb and destroy us, don´t!
Harama bulaşan gözüm güzelliğinin hırsızı My sinful eye is the thief of your beauty
Ey hırsızlığa da değen hırsızlık ediyorsun etme O the one who is worthy of being stolen, you steal. Don´t!
İsyan et ey arkadaşım söz söyleyecek an değil Rebel, o my friend. It is not  time for words.
Aşkın baygınlığıyla ne meşk ediyorsun etme!! What do you do in the unconsciousness of love? Don´t!




This poem was written for Şems (his best friend) by Rumi after seperation of him. Şems was killed by a group of people who were jealous of the friendship between him and Mevlana. He accepted his fate and embraced it willingly.


Edited (10/23/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/23/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/23/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/23/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/23/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/24/2012) by gokuyum

42.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 24 Oct 2012 Wed 10:52 am

Münacat Appeal


 Ya Rab hemişe lutfunu kıl reh-nüma bana  O Lord! Always make your grace a guide for me.
Gösterme ol tariki ki yetmez sana bana  Don´t show me the road which doesn´t go to you.


Kat´ eyle aşinalığım andan ki gayrdır  Cut my acquaintanceship with others
Ancak öz aşinaların et aşina bana  Make your real acquaintances acquaintance for me


Bir yerde sabit et kadem-i i´tibarımı Make my foot of esteem steady in a place
Kim rehber-i şeri´at ola mukteda bana May guide of Islamic law be my imam


Yok bende bir amel sana şayeste ah eğer I don´t have any deed worthy of you 

A´malime göre vere adlin ceza bana Pity if your justice give a punishment according to my deeds.

Havf ü hatada muztaribim var ümid kim I am troubled with fear of my sins, but I have hope
Lutfun vere beşaret-i afv-i ata bana May your grace give me the good news of your forgiving

Ben bilmezem bana gereğin sen Hakim´sin I don´t know what is necessary for me, you are the wisest.
Men´ eyle verme her ne gerekmez sana bana Forbid it, don´t give me what is not necessary for you.

Habs-i hevada koyma Fuzuli-sıfat esir Don´t put me into the prison of passions like Fuzuli
Ya Rab hidayet eyle tarik-i fena bana O Lord! Guide me to the road going to disappearance in your love.




Edited (10/24/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/24/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/24/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/24/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/24/2012) by gokuyum

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43.       Abla
3648 posts
 24 Oct 2012 Wed 12:50 pm


Yok bende bir amel sana şayeste ah eğer I don´t have any deed worthy of you 

A´malime göre vere adlin ceza bana Pity if your justice give a punishment according to my deeds.


Havf ü hatada muztaribim var ümid kim I am troubled with fear of my sins, but I have hope
Lutfun vere beşaret-i afv-i ata bana May your grace give me the good news of your forgiving


What a central concept mercy is in Islam.


The lot of the believer is always to live between hope and fear. Umar ibn al-Khattab who was one of the closest people to Prophet Muhammad said if he was told one person only will be granted Paradise he´d think it is him and if he knew only one would go to hell he would also think it must be him.

gokuyum liked this message
44.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 24 Oct 2012 Wed 02:42 pm


Quoting Abla


Yok bende bir amel sana şayeste ah eğer I don´t have any deed worthy of you 

A´malime göre vere adlin ceza bana Pity if your justice give a punishment according to my deeds.


Havf ü hatada muztaribim var ümid kim I am troubled with fear of my sins, but I have hope
Lutfun vere beşaret-i afv-i ata bana May your grace give me the good news of your forgiving


What a central concept mercy is in Islam.


The lot of the believer is always to live between hope and fear. Umar ibn al-Khattab who was one of the closest people to Prophet Muhammad said if he was told one person only will be granted Paradise he´d think it is him and if he knew only one would go to hell he would also think it must be him.

Yes, we live between havf(fear) and reca(hope). This is one of the main themes of Ottoman poetry. We can never be sure that we will be forgiven but we can always hope it.


Edited (10/24/2012) by gokuyum

45.       tunci
7149 posts
 24 Oct 2012 Wed 02:49 pm


Great interpratations of the prominent examples of Ottoman Poetry, Gökuyum.

I haven´t come across English translations of  those poems before, thank you for your efforts and this academic level work of yours that requires not only Farsi,Arabic knowledge but also knowledge of Sufistic way of thinking.

Eline, kalemine sağlık Ustad.{#emotions_dlg.applause}


46.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 24 Oct 2012 Wed 02:53 pm


Quoting tunci


Great interpratations of the prominent examples of Ottoman Poetry, Gökuyum.

I haven´t come across English translations of  those poems before, thank you for your efforts and this academic level work of yours that requires not only Farsi,Arabic knowledge but also knowledge of Sufistic way of thinking.

Eline, kalemine sağlık Ustad.{#emotions_dlg.applause}


Thank you tunci. My purpose is to introduce Ottoman poetry to foreigners and to show them how humanist and how deep it is. And if they have some prejudgements about us, I want to break them. And you are also doing great work explaining grammer issues with so much details. It requires a lot of patience which I don´t have. It really amazes me. Take care.


Edited (10/24/2012) by gokuyum

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47.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 29 Oct 2012 Mon 11:53 pm

Some Chosen Couplets From Ottoman Poetry


Aşk imiş her ne vâr âlemde

İlm bir kîl ü kâl imiş ancak


Everything exist in universe is love

Wisdom is only a tittle-tattle.





Her kişi âşık olurdu eğer âsân olsa

If it was easy, everybody would fall in love.


                      Taşlıcalı Yahya Bey



Lisân-ı aşkı bilir terceman bulunmadı hiç

The translator who knows the language of love has never been found.


                       Neccar Zade Şeyh Rıza



Baharı neyleriz ol gülizâr-ı gonce femin

Gülüb açılması bin nevbahâra değmez mi?


What is the use of spring? Isn’t the laughing and opening of that

rose garden’s bud like mouth worth of thousand springs?

                                         Nâilî’i Kadîm


Bir az gel bağa, bülbül dinle, gül seyret, açıl cânâ

Ki sen dâhî henüz âçılmamış bir gonce-i tersin


Come to garden, listen to nightingales, watch the roses, open o heart

You are just a young bud who is not open yet.





 Bir elinde gül, bir elde câm geldin sâkiyâ

Kangısın alsam gülü, yâ câmı, yahud ki seni

O cupbearer! You came with a rose in one hand, with a cup in

another hand. Which one should I take? Rose, cup or you?




Meyhâne yıkıldı, mest ayakda

Tavern is wrecked, drunks are still on foot.


                             Abdülhak Hâmid


Menden ey Fuzuli isteme eşarı medh ü zem

Men âşıkam, hemişe sözüm âşıkânedir


O Fuzuli! Don’t want from me poems of praise and condemnation

I am a lover, every word of mine is amotary





Şirler pençe-i Kahrımdan olurken lerzân

Beni bir gözleri âhûya zebûn itdi felek

When the lions were trembling with the fear of my wrath´s claw

Fate has made me prey of a gazelle eyed beautiful


                             Yavuz Sultan Selim




Görmemek yeğdir, görüb divâne olmakdan seni

It is better not to see you than seeing and being crazy for you.






Biz âleme bir yâr içün âh itmeğe geldik

We came to this world only to sigh for a beloved.

                                  Yenişehirli Avni


Edited (10/29/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (10/30/2012) by gokuyum

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48.       Abla
3648 posts
 30 Oct 2012 Tue 12:05 am

Yavuz is my favourite.

49.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 30 Oct 2012 Tue 12:06 am


Quoting Abla

Yavuz is my favourite.


Yes, he is great.

50.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 06 Nov 2012 Tue 04:18 am



“Bâtıl isteyü hakdan ayrıldım 

Boynuz umdum kulaktan ayrıldım." 

I wanted lies, I lost the truth

I wanted a horn, I lost the ear.


Ahmet Paşa:


“Etme izhâr-ı hüner etmeğe mecliste heves

Bülbüle dâm-ı belâ oldu lisânıyla kafes."

Don´t desire showing a talent in a gathering

Cage became a trap for nightingale because of its sweet tongue


“Tûtîyi güftârıdır iden giriftâr-ı kafes." 

It is sparrow´s words makes it a captive of a cage.


Adli (Sultan II. Beyazıd)

“Kendi kendine ettiğin âdem

Bir yere gelse edemez âlem..

If everbody gathered and wanted to harm someone they wouldn´t harm him as much as he harmed himself


Selimi (Yavuz Sultan Selim)

“Milletimde ayrılık ve tefrika endîşesi

Kûşe-i kabrimde hattâ bî-karâr eyler beni.”

The worry of seperation and disagreement in my nation

(It) even would make me restless in the corner of my tomb



“Ger derse Fuzûlî ki güzellerde vefâ var

Aldanma ki şâir sözü elbette yalandır."

If Fuzuli says beautifuls have loyalty

Don´t be deceived, the word of a poet is of course a lie.


Edited (11/6/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (11/6/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (11/6/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (11/6/2012) by gokuyum
Edited (11/6/2012) by gokuyum

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