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Come on (haydi)
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1.       si++
3785 posts
 23 Jul 2013 Tue 10:00 am

The other day I was watching a volley game between Bulgaria and Italy. And Bulgarian players would cry "haydi" (just like us Turks) all together at the end.


What other languages in Balkans use this exclamation?

2.       elenagabriela
2040 posts
 23 Jul 2013 Tue 11:44 am

we, Romanians, have too, but with a bit different spelling


haide (read as hayde), or even haydi

and sometimes - hay - too

Edited (7/23/2013) by elenagabriela

gamzicc liked this message
3.       TheNemanja
116 posts
 23 Jul 2013 Tue 02:16 pm

In Serbian we have(that´s actually the only way to say ´come on´

Hajde(read as hayde)

or shorter way:


Actually,usually it´s ´ajde,but there is also:

(h)ajmo(let´s go,let us do something),or hajdemo
(h)ajdete(come on you(plural you))


Edited (7/23/2013) by TheNemanja
Edited (7/23/2013) by TheNemanja
Edited (7/23/2013) by TheNemanja [:D]
Edited (7/23/2013) by TheNemanja

4.       Umut_Umut
485 posts
 23 Jul 2013 Tue 04:01 pm

I know from my colleague that Croations use that word as Hajde ( hayde ) 

Edited (7/23/2013) by Umut_Umut
Edited (7/23/2013) by Umut_Umut [doesn´t appear ]

MoustacheFan liked this message
5.       lana-
352 posts
 23 Jul 2013 Tue 05:10 pm

In Macedonian we have this exclamation

ајде !  Ayde !  - Haydi !, Hadi !

In informal speech we may also say it as " ај "  ay !

That word may have several meanings

Aјде  -  Ayde
1. let´s go
2. go, depart, leave (as an imperative)
3. come (as an imperative)
4. come on, c´mon
5. let´s ...
6. said to caution one about what one is saying

tunci liked this message
6.       gamzicc
6 posts
 24 Jul 2013 Wed 02:22 am

the number of Turkish loanwords is significiant in Balkan languages .I think haydi ,hayde or ayde is one of these loanwords from Turkish.We also use bre,be Smilewith haydi and ayde. etc; ayde bre = ooh come on

xxxnavymanxxx liked this message
7.       Umut_Umut
485 posts
 24 Jul 2013 Wed 08:33 am

hayda bre

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8.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 24 Jul 2013 Wed 11:55 am


Quoting gamzicc

the number of Turkish loanwords is significiant in Balkan languages .I think haydi ,hayde or ayde is one of these loanwords from Turkish.We also use bre,be Smilewith haydi and ayde. etc; ayde bre = ooh come on

I am not sure "haydi" is a Turkish word. It is a very common word. Look even there is a "Heidi" in Swiss literature


Note: By the way I found an article about origin of haydi.


Edited (7/24/2013) by gokuyum

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9.       lida83
10 posts
 26 Jul 2013 Fri 09:13 pm


Quoting si++

The other day I was watching a volley game between Bulgaria and Italy. And Bulgarian players would cry "haydi" (just like us Turks) all together at the end.


What other languages in Balkans use this exclamation?


Alban  ve makedonian language use this word ´´ haydeeee´´ or ´´ hadii ´´ . Generally use in the meaning as a ´´ lets go to drink, to celabrate, to enjoy ..etc "



10.       Leo S
183 posts
 20 Jul 2016 Wed 12:42 pm

I have heard ´haydi ya´. The ´ya´ means what in this format?

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