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Turkish phrases,common sayings and slang words
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1.       tunci
7149 posts
 22 May 2011 Sun 11:49 am


Selam = Hi

Naber = whats up ? whats news ?

Nasıl gidiyor ?  = How is it going ? , Hows things going ?

Halin keyfin nasıl ? = Hows your mood ? ,How are you ? , How are you keeping ?

[Hal = situation,mood,state    Keyif = pleasure, state of mind, mood]

Afiyet olsun = Bon apatite !




Edited (5/22/2011) by tunci
Edited (5/22/2011) by tunci [correction]

emjay, Polyglot, Moha-ios, nemanjasrb, maryistanbul and 9 others liked this message
2.       tunci
7149 posts
 22 May 2011 Sun 11:59 am


Herşey yolunda mı ? =  Is everything ok ?

Fena değil              =  Not bad

Uzun zaman oldu görüşmeyeli  = It´s been long time since we saw eachother.

Konuşmayalı uzun zaman oldu = It´s been long time since we talked.

Yüzünü gören cennetlik = Whoever see your face will go to heaven [ which means "where have you been ? ", "its been long time you were not around "]

Pahalı = Expensive

Tuzlu = [slang] Expensive [literally "salty" ]

Bu bisiklet çok tuzlu gelir bana. Alamam. = This bycle is too expensive for me. I cant buy it.

Edited (5/22/2011) by tunci

Moha-ios, Adam25, nemanjasrb, Hisham, aed and 6 others liked this message
3.       tunci
7149 posts
 22 May 2011 Sun 12:09 pm


Yakın arkadaş = Close friend

Kanka = [slang ] Buddy, best friend

O benim kankam = he/she is my buddy,my best friend

Dost = Good friend

Dost = Another meaning of Dost is mistress . forbidden lover for married man or woman.

O adam evli olduğu halde bir dostu var = Although he is a married man, he has a lover.


Moha-ios, nemanjasrb, Hisham, aed, MrsBee and 3 others liked this message
4.       tunci
7149 posts
 22 May 2011 Sun 12:15 pm


Ordan burdan konuşmak = To talk about anything and everything.

we are just talking about anything and everything = Sadece ordan burdan konuşuyoruz.

Laf kalabalığı etmek = Talking much unnecessarly .Talking about worthless things..

Kafayı şişirmek = Doing someone´s head. Giving someone headache by talking alot.

Kafayı ütülemek = [literal translation is " to iron someone´s head ] Giving someone headache by talking alot.

Sabahtan beri kafamı ütüledi --------> He/She done my head by talking too much since this morning.



Moha-ios, Adam25, nemanjasrb, aed, MrsBee and 3 others liked this message
5.       tunci
7149 posts
 22 May 2011 Sun 12:22 pm


Ağzını hayra aç = [saying] [ literally " open your mouth for good things] " Dont talk too soon"

Karnı guruldamak = [saying] [literally " making noise in the stomach] which means " to be very hungry, to be starving

Bugün hiçbirşey yemedim. Karnım fena gurulduyor.----> I didnt eat anything today. I am starving badly.

Pot kırmak = [saying] to say the wrong thing.


Moha-ios, nemanjasrb, aed, MrsBee, nifrtity and 2 others liked this message
6.       tunci
7149 posts
 22 May 2011 Sun 12:30 pm


Ne kadar ? =  How much ?

Kaç lira ? = How much ?

Son ne kadar olur ? = What is your best price ?

Biraz indirim yapar mısınız ? = Could you drop the price bit ?

Pazarlık yok = No bargain

Tamam, anlaştık ! =  Ok. Deal !

Kazıklamak = [rude slang]  to overcharge, to ripp off.

Kazıklanmak = [rude slang ] to get overcharged, to get ripped off

Kazık = [rude slang] very expensive

That restaurant is very expensive = O restoran çok kazık.


Moha-ios, nemanjasrb, nifrtity, aed, MrsBee and 2 others liked this message
7.       tunci
7149 posts
 22 May 2011 Sun 12:41 pm


Tamir etmek = to repair

Onarmak = to  repair

Tamirci= Repair man

Mangır = [slang] Money

Beş parasız = [slang] The person who has no many at all..Skinny..

Beş parasız kalmak =  To have no money

O adam iflas etti. Şimdi beş parasız kaldı ----> That man went bankrupt. Now he has no money at all.

Cebi delik = [literally " to have a hole in his pocket ] which is " The person who has money"



Moha-ios, nemanjasrb, nifrtity, aed, MrsBee and 2 others liked this message
8.       tunci
7149 posts
 22 May 2011 Sun 12:44 pm


Cebinde akrep olmak = [ to have a scorpion in his/her pocket ] which means " to be very stingy,mean ,tight

O adamın cebinde akrep var ----->  That man is very stingy [mean,tight]


Edited (5/22/2011) by tunci

Moha-ios, nemanjasrb, nifrtity, aed, MrsBee and yaseminler liked this message
9.       tunci
7149 posts
 22 May 2011 Sun 12:53 pm


Dilini yutmak = [saying] [ literally " to swallow his/her tounge ]which means to be extremly silent, not to talk a word"

Dilini mi yuttun ? Birşeyler söylesene! ---> Did you swallow your tounge ? Say something !

Moha-ios, nemanjasrb, aed, MrsBee and yaseminler liked this message
10.       tunci
7149 posts
 22 May 2011 Sun 02:06 pm


Parmakları yemek = [ literally "to eat fingers "] which means " it was so delicious that I ate my fingers" its a saying said after you eat something very delicios.

Yemek o kadar lezzetliydi ki parmaklarımı yedim------> The meal was so delicious that I ate my fingers.



Moha-ios, nemanjasrb, aed, MrsBee and nifrtity liked this message
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