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Turkish Poetry and Literature

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Selam verdim rüşvet değildir diye almadılar
1.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 31 Mar 2010 Wed 04:54 pm


Selam verdim rüşvet değildir diye almadılar           

I greeted them (tr: gave a greeting), they didn’t take it because it was not a bribe.


Selam verdim, rüşvet değildir diye almadılar.

I greeted them (tr: gave a greeting), they didn’t take it because it was not a bribe


 Hüküm gösterdim, faydasızdır diye iltifat etmediler.

I showed them the sentence, they weren´t interested in because it was useless.


 Eğerçi görünürde itaat eder gibi davrandılar ama bütün sorduklarıma hal diliyle karşılık verdiler.

In appearance they behaved like they obeyed but they answered all my questions by body language


Dedim: - Ey arkadaşlar, bu ne yanlış iştir, bu ne yüz asıklığıdır?

I told: “O my friends, what a wrong behaviour (tr:wrong doing) this is. What is this displeasure seen on your face?”


Dediler: - Bizim adetimiz böyledir.

They told: -“Our custom is that way.”


Dedim: - Benim riayetimi gerekli görmüşler ve bana tekaüt beratı vermişler ki ondan her zaman pay alam ve padişaha gönül rahatlığı ile dua kılam.

I told  “They had decided my obedience was necessary and they had given me a retirement franchise so i would take a share from it and i would pray for Sultan with an iner calm.”


Dediler: - Ey zavallı! Sana zulüm etmişler ve gidip gelme sermayesi vermişler ki, daima faydasız mücadele edesin ve uğursuz yüzler görüp sert sözler işitesin.

They told: “O you poor! They had harmed you and they had given you a capital for going and coming so you would  struggle and you would see  evil faces and you would hear harsh words.”


Dedim: - Beratımın gereği niçin yerine gelmez?

I told: - “Why don’t you fulfill the requirements of my franchise?


Dediler: - Zevaittir, husulü mümkün olmaz.

They told: -“ It is an overplus. It isn’t possible to come true."


Dedim: - Böyle evkaf zevaidsiz olur mu?

I told: “ Could foundations become without overpluses?”


Dediler: - Asitanenin masraflarından artarsa bizden kalır mı?

They told: “ If it remains from the goverment’s expenses, can it remain from us?”


Dedim: - Vakıf malın dilediği gibi kullanmak vebaldir.

I told: “ It is a sin using foundation’s goods for one as he wish”


Dediler: - Akçamız ile satın almışız, bize helaldir.

They told “ We had bought it with our money, it is helal for us.”


Dedim: - Hesaba alsalar bu tuttuğunuz yolun fesadı bulunur.

I told: “ If they reckon they can find the harm of your way”


Dediler: - Bu hesap, kıyamette sorulur.

They told: “ We can be called to account only in doomsday”


Dedim: - Dünyada dahi hesap olur, haberin işitmişiz.

I told:” You can be called to account in earth, I heard.”


Dediler: - Ondan dahi korkumuz yoktur, katipleri razı etmişiz.

They told: “ We don’t be afraid of that, we persuaded the clerks."


Gördüm ki sualime cevaptan başka nesne vermezler ve bu berat ile hacetim kılmağın reva görmezler, çaresiz mücadeleyi terk ettim ve mey´us ü mahrum guşe-i uzletime çekildim.

I understood that they would give me nothing other than answers to my questions and they would not let met fulfill my wish with that franchise, i gave up strugling and i quited to my loneliness place sorrowful and deprived.


Fuzuli (1483-1556)


Note. tr means literally in Turkish


(My try) (corrections needed) A satire about corruption of  government officials and bribary in 16. century the brightes times of Ottoman


Note: Some thinks Fuzuli is the greatest Turkish poet of all times.




Edited (3/31/2010) by gokuyum
Edited (3/31/2010) by gokuyum
Edited (3/31/2010) by gokuyum
Edited (3/31/2010) by gokuyum
Edited (3/31/2010) by gokuyum
Edited (3/31/2010) by gokuyum
Edited (3/31/2010) by gokuyum
Edited (3/31/2010) by gokuyum

2.       scalpel
1472 posts
 31 Mar 2010 Wed 05:31 pm


Quoting gokuyum






 Hüküm gösterdim, faydasızdır diye iltifat etmediler.

I showed them the sentence, they didn’t be interested in because it was useless.



 maybe "opinion" can be a better choice for "hüküm" here 

3.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 31 Mar 2010 Wed 05:51 pm


Quoting scalpel



 maybe "opinion" can be a better choice for "hüküm" here


 Scalpel thank you very much for checking my translation. I realy appreciate it. And doesn´t opinion mean "fikir, görüş"? Does it have a secondary meaning as "hüküm, karar". ? "Benim hükmüm" means "my decision" but we can translate it also as "my opinion". But according to poem´s context hüküm means sentence, decision, judgement. What do the native English speakers think about this matter?

Edited (3/31/2010) by gokuyum
Edited (3/31/2010) by gokuyum
Edited (3/31/2010) by gokuyum

4.       scalpel
1472 posts
 31 Mar 2010 Wed 11:43 pm


Quoting gokuyum



 Scalpel thank you very much for checking my translation. I realy appreciate it. And doesn´t opinion mean "fikir, görüş"? Does it have a secondary meaning as "hüküm, karar". ? "Benim hükmüm" means "my decision" but we can translate it also as "my opinion". But according to poem´s context hüküm means sentence, decision, judgement. What do the native English speakers think about this matter?


I´m afraid using "sentence" here may cause a confusion.

By the way sentence means an opinion as well as judgement, or decision.



Edited (3/31/2010) by scalpel

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