Şeytan bunun neresinde?
Where is the devil in it? (Where is the evil in it? maybe a closer saying in English, but devil is needed for the comparisons to make sense)
Telli sazdır bunun adı
A stringed instrument is its name (more poetic, not literal)
Ne âyet dinler ne kadı
It hears neither the Koran´s verse nor the village judge
Bunu çalan anlar kendi
The one who plays it understands (again, not literal)
Şeytân bunun neresinde
Where is the devil in it?
Abdest alsan aldın demez
If you perform an ablution, it doesnt say “you did”
Namaz kılsan kıldın demez
If you perform a prayer, it doesn’t say “you did”
Müftü gibi haram yemez
Like the Holy official, it doesn’t eat forbidden food (not quite literal)
Şeytan bunun neresinde
Where is the devil in it?
Dut ağacından teknesi
Its belly is made from the mulberry tree
Kirişten bağlı perdesi
And from tied catgut it gets its musical key (twisted to rhyme)
Behey insanın teresi
Hey you human sh..t (rhymes better!)
Şeytan bunun neresinde
Where is the devil in it?
Dertli gibi çarıksızdır
Like someone troubled without any shoes
Ayağı da çarıksızdır
Its foot is also without a shoe
Boynuzu yok kuyruksuzdur
With neither horns nor tail (more poetic)
Şeytan bunun neresinde..
Where is the devil in it?
Dertli (1772-1845)
My try. (corrections needed)I like this poem. It criticizes the approach of reverends of that age about music
Sorry. I have only noticed the other attempts now! Anyway I was too slow, but I enjoyed trying to make small improvements for the English poetic side.