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Turkish students hold a minute of silence for Palestinian childeren
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14 Jan 2009 Wed 02:43 pm |
Before you judje, know what you judje, know both sides of the story... and it´s not that hard, im sure there are many Israelis on the net to explain you whats going on in here.
Im sad for both of the sides. sad about all the innocent people that died from our fire and Hamas´s fire.
Salam aleikum!
שלום עלינו!
All the world know both sides of the story. your terrorist country have been firing the middle east for 61 years by help of US, f.cking arab kings and UN. dont be martry here. i am sad for all innocent people too.. but i wonder how many innocent israel people have been died in last one year. you should wonder what have made Hamas attack you. and you should wonder if your country obeyed the rules of truce? i personally see every israeli who went and deforced land of palestinian as an occupier. and i see UN that founded as an occupier. and i see British government that gathered jews in Palestinian land as an occupier. by the way thank you for accepting few injured people to your modern beautiful hospitals. how good your government is! We appreciate it.
OMG ! I am so angry 
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14 Jan 2009 Wed 02:44 pm |
I hope it won´t come to a situation which teach all these children to hate us just because of our nationality. its WRONG to teach children to hate, what about peace?
no one has chosen to be born as he is! whats the difference between you and me? bwe are all human, and im sure most of us want to live their lives peacefully.
à agree with you.
But actually we dont teach children anything...they watch it on TV !
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14 Jan 2009 Wed 02:46 pm |
Do u even know how everythýng started?
tell me, if someone bombs ur country for 8 years, would you keep shut up? im sorry for all the innocent people there, but the Hamas works in schools and where people live! they even FORCE people to let them work in their houses! even some children there think its the Hamas´s fault.
Watch this:
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14 Jan 2009 Wed 02:46 pm |
by the way thank you for accepting few injured people to your modern beautiful histories.
OMG ! I am so angry 
calm down chiko
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14 Jan 2009 Wed 02:48 pm |
calm down chiko
opssssssss i just corrected it you can see how angry i am about this thank you btw
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14 Jan 2009 Wed 02:50 pm |
CANLI ive never said u teach it, i just hope it won´t get that far...
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14 Jan 2009 Wed 02:50 pm |
I think one can not judge all the jews as the same...
I am sure that there are some jews people who did not agree with this war.
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14 Jan 2009 Wed 02:50 pm |
Do u even know how everythýng started?
tell me, if someone bombs ur country for 8 years, would you keep shut up? im sorry for all the innocent people there, but the Hamas works in schools and where people live! they even FORCE people to let them work in their houses! even some children there think its the Hamas´s fault.
May Allah help hamas
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14 Jan 2009 Wed 02:52 pm |
they hold minute`s silence at my school for those who died in the world trade center? what would muslim students think? your argument is as absurd as this one. what do Jews have to do with what Israel does?
I dont think you get the point either here..
They are just childeren!!!
Look at the picture they are holding..
In schools, they should not teach hating a nation..Do you expect those childeren will think very highly about jews at that age..
Do you really think 6-7 years old child will know the difference between a jew and an israeli?
Do you think they will understand that ´all those killing is done my the right wing israeli goverment , you can not held all jews responsible´?
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14 Jan 2009 Wed 02:53 pm |
I dont think you do get it!!
What do you expect a child THINK at that age looking at those pictures?
What if there is a jewish child among them?
Look at their age!!.
No,i dont think YOU get it !
Children are dying there ,who didnt became crippled,or in best guessing just lost few family members
What do you think those children feel or be like.
And you want even to deny them a little support from other children in the world because of what a jewish child would think ?!
Actually a jewish child should think same as others...those children should NOT got killed!