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turkish proverbs
(13 Messages in 2 pages - View all)
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1.       doudi94
845 posts
 20 Aug 2008 Wed 10:40 pm

i love listening to proverbs of each country it kinda gives you a glimpse of the past and culture of the country, for exampl in egypt we have so many!! and they mostly start with "you know what they say....." and theyre so funny i ahve to laugh so hard! and we also ahve this charecter which is really stupid and cunning i think his name is goha (heheh) and they always say dont be like goha or he did like goha and most stuff have to do with his donkey!!

Anyway i was wondering if anybody can share with me some turkish proverbs i would be very happy!


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2.       Trudy
7887 posts
 20 Aug 2008 Wed 10:50 pm

At your service ma´am... lol  The bold one is my favourite.... {#lang_emotions_lol_fast}


Okuz altinda buzagi aranmaz.
(Do not search for a calf under a bull.) When someone shows unnecessary amount of suspicion for an action.

Havlayan kopek isirmaz.
(The dog that barks does not bite.) When a person talks too much, it usually does not lead to action.

Vakitsiz oten horozun basini keserler.
(The cock that crows too early gets his head cut off.) There is proper time for every thing.

Yenilen pehlivan gurese doymaz.
(A defeated wrestler never tires of wrestling again.) . A defeated person always asks for second chances.

Ofke ile kalkan zararla oturur.
(He who starts up in anger, sits down with a loss.) Used when one is trying to calm an angry person.

Keskin sirke kupune zarar verir.
(Sharp vinegar only damages its container.) Used to calm down or moderate a person.

Goz gormeyince gonul katlanir.
(Heart endures when eye does not see.) One can endure being far way from loved ones by not seeing them.

Gozden irak, gonulden de irak olur.
(If one is far away, one also gets far away from the heart.) Expresses the feeling that by being far away, one risks losing the love and affection of a person.

Ne ekersen, onu bicersin.
(You harvest what you sow.) Used to remind a person that one´s own past actions are responsible for the present situation.

Ruzgar eken firtina bicer.
(One who sows wind will reap hurricane.) Used to caution people to moderate their actions.

Sormak ayip degil, bilmemek ayip.
(It is not disgraceful to ask, it is disgraceful no to know.) Used to encourage people to be inquisitive.

Bekarlik sultanliktir.
(A bachelor feels like a sultan.) Used by bachelors when asked to explain why they are still single.

Sinek kucuktur, ama mide bulandirir.
(The fly is small, but it can upset your stomach.) Used when an event that seems insignificant to others, still bothers a person.

Incir cekirdegini doldurmaz.
(It won´t fill a fig seed.) Used to express the insignificance of someone´s point in an argument.

Ceviz kabugunda firtina.
(Storm in a walnut shell.) Similar to tempest in a tea cup.

Askin gozu karadir.
(Love is daring.) Can mean that a lover can do anything without calculating the consequences or that love has a blind eye.

Kuzguna yavrusu sahin gorunur.
(To the raven´s eye, its chickens look like falcons.) Used to express the feeling that any baby looks beautiful to its mother.

Suruden ayrilan koyunu kurt kapar.
(The sheep separated from the flock gets eaten by the wolf.) Used to encourage a person to stay within the group as it plans a move.

Ates dustugu yeri yakar.
(An ember burns where it falls.) Used when expressing an appreciation of pain for the people who are close to the injured or hurt person.

Sakinilan goze cop batar.
(An over-protected eye gets the speck.) Being overly careful or overprotective invites misfortunes.

Insan yedisinde ne ise yetmisinde de odur.
(What a man is at seven is also what he is at seventy.) Used when expressing dissatisfaction in unchanged human behavior or the fact that one never learns from one´s mistakes.

Agac yas iken egilir.
(The tree branch should be bent when it is young.) Used to support the need to train a person early in life.

Bir elin nesi var, iki elin sesi var.
(It takes two hands to make a sound.) Similar to "it takes two to tango".

Saman altindan su yurutur.
(Lets water run unnoticed under straw.) Used to define a sly person or behavior.

Anasina bak, kizini al.
(Look at the mother before marrying the daughter.) Expresses the view that a young girl (or a bride) will eventually look and behave like her mother

Atin olumu arpadan olsun.
(Let the horse die from too much barley.) Used to express the feeling that the benefits over weigh the risks.

Deve bir pula, deve bin pula.
(A camel for a dime, a camel for a thousand dimes.) Used to show the irony when a person could not afford something even when it is very cheap, but can later afford it when it is thousand times more expensive.

Cocugunu dovmeyen, dizini dover.
(One who does not slap his children, will slap his knees.) Parents that do not discipline their children early on, will beat themselves later on when they learn the bad things their grown children have done.

Bal tutan parmak yalar.
(One who handles honey, licks his fingers.) Somebody in charge of handling money or resources, get to keep or enjoy some benefits for himself.

Tasima suyla degirmen donmez.
(You can´t run a water mill by carrying water.) It is futile to start a business if you don´t have a sustainable source or you can´t sustain a life style with borrowed money.

Damlaya damlaya gol olur.
(Drop by drop, it will make a pond.) Small savings will lead to substantial wealth. Used to encourage people to save.

Yalancinin mumu yatsiya kadar yanar.
(Liar´s candle will last till evening.) Lies will work only for a limited time.

Pire icin yorgan yakmak.
(Burning a bedcover for a louse.) Used when an action taken does not match the unimportance of the situation.

Kel basa simsir tarak.
(A boxwood comb for a bald head.) Used to make a point when a person indulges beyond his financial means.

Isteyenin bir yuzu kara, vermeyenin iki yuzu.
(The one who asks has one side of his face dark; the one who refuses to give has both sides.) Used to put the shame or burden on the side that can give but refuses to do so.

Sutten agzi yanan, yogurdu ufleyerek yer.
(The one who burns his mouth for drinking milk too hot, eats even yogurt carefully.) Used to make the point that life´s bad experiences teach people to be cautious.

Her yigitin bir yoqurt yeyisi vardir.
(Every man has his own style of eating yogurt.) Used to remind that others may have a different way of doing things and hence asking for tolerance.

Bedava sirke baldan tatlidir.
(Free vinegar is sweeter than honey.) Used to make a point when someone goes after something just because it is free or very cheap even though they would not normally even want it.

Bir kahvenin kirk yil hatiri vardir.
(A cup of coffee commits one to forty years of friendship.) Used to remind that friendships should not be taken lightly and that one should have a long term commitment.

Bicak yarasi gecer, dil yarasi gecmez .
(A knife-wound heals, but a tongue wound festers.) Used to make a point that one should be careful before using hurtful language.

Akil bastadir, yasta degil.
(A man is as wise as his head, not his years.) Used to make a point that even an old person may not have all the wisdom.

Bir musibet, yuz tembihten iyidir.
(A tribulation is better than a hundred warnings.) Used to make a point that one learns better from their mistakes or misfortunes rather than the advice of others.

Guzellik gecer, akil kalir.
(Beauty passes, wisdom remains.) Used to make a point that wisdom matters more than physical beauty.

Dereyi gormeden pacalari sivama.
(Do not roll up your trousers before reaching the stream.) Used to make a point that one should not be overly eager and optimistic about an outcome.

It urur, kervan yurur.
(Dogs bark, but the caravan goes on.) Used to put down someone´s efforts or words and meaning that it won´t have any effect on the outcome. It is a rude but effective expression

Bos laf karin doyurmaz.
(Empty words will not fill an empty stomach.) Used to make a point that one is using empty promises without any real action.

Beterin beteri vardir.
(Every “bad” has its “worse.”.) Used to make a point that things can always go even worse and one should make the best of current situation.

Her koyun kendi bacagindan asilir.
(Every sheep is hung by his own leg.) Used to make a point that every one is responsible from his own actions.

Kopegin duasi kabul olsa idi, gokden kemik yagardi.
(If a dog’s prayers were answered, bones would rain from the sky.) Used as response against somebody with a hurtful or evil wish. It is rude and used only in a verbal fight.

Kumasini verince, astarini ister.
(If you give him cloth, he’ll ask for the lining.) Used to make a point one is being greedy.

Deveye hendek atlatmaktan daha zor.
(It is more difficult than teaching a camel to jump (than to reason with fool).) Used to express frustration in discussion.

Gel demesi kolay, git demesi zordur.
(It is easy to say “Come,” difficult to say “Go.”.) Used to caution that it is easy to invite someone, but difficult to ask them to leave.

Tatli soz yilani deliginden cikarir.
(Kind words will get a snake out of its hole.) Used to express the effectiveness of kind words as opposed to confrontation.

Teker kirilinca yol gosteren cok olur.
(Many will point to the right way after the wheel is broken.) Used to make a point about second guessing after the outcome is known.

Ayagini yorganina gore uzat.
(Stretch your feet according to your blanket.) Used to make a point that one should spend according to his means.

Zenginin mali, fakirin cenesini yorar.
(The rich man’s wealth tires the poor man´s jaw.) Used to make a point that poor talks too much about what the wealthy have.

Dost aci soyler.
(The real friend tells the bitter truth.) Used to soften the blow when a friend needs to give bitter advise.

El elden ustundur.
(One hand may be superior to another.) Used to remind that one should not assume no one else can do better.

Bekara kari bosamak kolay gelir.
(To a bachelor, divorcing a wife comes easy.) Used to point out that when one does not carry a responsibility, it is easy for them to give advice.

Dogmamis cocuga don bicilmez.
(One does not cut cloth for a yet unborn child.) Used to remind that one should not go far ahead of events or make too many assumptions.

Kotu komsu insani kap kacak sahibi yapar.
(Bad neighbour forces one to have his own pots and pans.) Used to remind that not depending on others, makes one self reliant.

Denize dusen yilana sarilir.
(The one that falls in to the sea grabs even a snake.) Used to point out that one may have to chose an unpleasant alternative in a dire situation.

Bu ne perhiz, bu ne lahana tursusu?.
(What is this diet, what is this pickled cabbage?) Used to point out inconsistencies in one´s behaviour or words.

Meyve, agacinin dibine duser
(Fruit of a tree falls near its roots.) Used to point out that children usually turn out like their parents.

Meyve veren agac taslanir.
(The tree bearing fruit, gets stoned.) Used to point out that only a productive person trying to do new things gets to be criticized.

Kizim sana soylerim, gelinim sen anla.
(I tell it to my daughter, for my daughter-in-law to understand.) Used to point out that sometimes a message is intended for someone other than the actual recipient

Umit fakirin ekmegidir.
(Hope is the bread of the poor.) Used to point out that hope helps sustain the poor or needy.

Zararin neresinden donulse kardir.
(Reversing losses at whatever point is a profit.) Used to point out that best action is to reverse course if one is going down the wrong path.

Gorunen koy kilavuz istemez.
(A village that you can see in a distance do not require a guide.) Used to point out that the events are heading to an obvious conclusion and hence further discussion is not warranted.

Hamama giren terler.
(The one who enters a Turkish bath sweats.) Used to point out that one´s actions detemine the consequences and therefore one should not complain about them later.

Tembele is buyur, sana akil ogretsin.
(Demand a task from a lazy person, and be ready to receive advise.) Used to point out that a lazy person will come out with many reasons why a task should or could not be done in order to avoid doing the task.

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3.       Queent
183 posts
 20 Aug 2008 Wed 11:00 pm

Doudi here is a long dictionnary of Turkish proverbs:


  • Acıkan doymam (sanır), susayan kanmam sanır.
    • Literal translation: A hungry man thinks he won´t be satiated, a thirsty man thinks he won´t be quenched.
  • Acele işe şeytan karışır.
    • Literal translation: The Devil would intrude upon hurried work.
    • Meaning: Don´t be too hasty.
  • Aç tavuk kendini buğday ambarında görür.
    • Literal translation: A hungry hen sees herself in a wheat silo.
    • Meaning: If you are in need, anything seems useful.
  • Aç ayı oynamaz.
    • Literal translation: A hungry bear won´t dance.
    • Meaning: One needs food to do some work.
  • Açın halini tok bilmez, hastanın halini sağ bilmez.
    • Literal translation: A satiated man doesn´t know what´s hunger, a healthy man doesn´t know what´s disease.
  • Açma sırrını dostuna, o da söyler dostuna.
    • Literal translation: Don´t tell your secret to your friend, he will tell it to his friend.
  • Ağacı kurt, insanı dert yer.
    • Literal translation: It is worms which destroy a tree, it is worry which destroys a human.
  • "Aĝaç yaş iken eĝilir"
    • Literal translation: Trees bend when they are young.
    • Meaning: You can only learn at a young age, when you get older you will not be able to learn.
  • Ak gün ağartır, kara gün karartır.
    • Literal translation: A white day sheds light, a black day sheds darkness.
  • Akılları pazara çıkarmışlar, herkes kendi aklını beğenmiş.
    • Variant: Herkes aklını pazara çıkarmış, yine kendi aklını beğenmiş.
    • Literal translation: They put up minds for sale on the market, everyone liked his own mind. (Variant: Everyone put up his mind for sale on the market, and liked his own mind.)
    • Meaning: To stick to one´s own opinion.
  • Alçak yerde yatma sel alır, yüksek yerde yatma yel alır.
    • Literal translation: Don´t lie down in low places, flood will take you, don´t lie down in high places, wind will take you.
  • Al elmaya taş atan çok olur.
    • Literal translation: There are many who throw stones at a red apple.
    • Meaning: Good will be envied.
  • Ana gibi yar, vatan gibi diyar olmaz.
    • Literal translation: There is no lover like mothers nor place like homeland.
    • Meaning: No lovers´ love can be compared to mothers´ love and no place is "better" than the homeland.
  • Anlayana sivrisinek saz, anlamayana davul zurna az.
    • Literal translation: To one who understands, a mosquito is a lute, to one who does not understand, a drum and zurna are little.
    • Meaning: A good listener needs only half a word.
  • Araba devrilince yol gösteren çok olur.
    • Variant from the city of Kırşehir: Kağnı devrilince yol gösteren çok olur.
    • Literal translation: Many will show the way after the carriage (variant: ox cart) has overturned.
    • Meaning: Everone is wise after the event.
  • Armut dibine düşer.
    • Literal translation: A pear will fall to its root.
    • Meaning: Children resemble their parents.
  • Aslan yattığı yerden belli olur.
    • Literal translation: You can tell a lion from where he dwells.
    • Meaning: A person´s character shows itself from his surroundings.
  • Ateş düştüğü yeri yakar.
    • Literal translation: Fire burns where it falls.
    • Meaning: Pain is suffered most by the one who has experienced it.
  • Ateş olmayan yerden duman çıkmaz.
    • Literal translation: No smoke will come out from a place where there is no fire.
  • Ayıpsız dost arayan dostsuz kalır.
    • Literal translation: A man who seeks a perfect friend, will remain friendless.


  • Babası oğluna bir bağ bağışlamış, oğul babaya bir salkım üzüm vermemiş.
    • Literal translation: The father donated a vineyard to his son, the son didn´t give a bunch of grapes to the father.
  • Balık ağa girdikten sonra aklı başına gelir.
    • Literal translation: A fish only comes to its senses after it is caught in the net.
  • Bana arkadaşını söyle, sana kim olduğunu söyleyeyim.
    • Literal translation: Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.
  • Baş başa vermeyince taş yerinden kalkmaz.
    • Literal translation: The stone will not move from its place unless head is put to head.
    • Meaning: Hard tasks can be accomplished by collaboration.
  • Başkasına fenalık eden kendine etmiş olur.
    • Literal translation: He who does evil to another, has done it to himself.
  • Bekara karı boşamak kolay.
    • Literal translation: Divorcing a wife is easy for a single guy.
    • Meaning: If somebody is looking at the situation from outside, he can´t fully comprehend it.
  • Bekara karı boşamak kolay gelir.
    • Literal translation: It´s easy for a single to divorce a woman.
    • Meaning: Things seem easier to the one who isn´t involved.
  • Bin bilsen de bir bilene danış.
    • Literal translation: Even if you know a thousand things, still ask someone who knows.
    • Meaning: It is advisable to check with an expert.
  • Bir elin nesi var, iki elin sesi var.
    • Literal translation: What does one hand have? Two hands make a sound.
    • Meaning: People produce more or better work if they cooperate.
  • Bir kanatla kuş uçmaz.
    • Literal translation: A bird will not fly with one wing.
  • Bitli baklanın kör alıcısı olur.
    • Literal translation: Wormy beans will have blind buyers.
    • Meanning: Even worthless things find a buyer.
  • Boşboğazı cehenneme atmışlar, "Odun yaş" diye bağırmış.
    • Literal translation: They put the blabbermouth in hell, and he shouted "The wood is damp!"
  • Bükemediğin bileği öpeceksin.
    • Literal translation: You should kiss the hand that you can´t bend.
    • Meaning: You should respect someone who is superior to you, and not become enemies with him.
  • Bülbülü altın kafese koymuşlar, ah vatanım demiş.
    • Literal translation: They put the nightingale in a golden cage, it still craved for its country.

4.       Queent
183 posts
 20 Aug 2008 Wed 11:04 pm


  • Cahile söz anlatmak, deveyi hendekten atlatmaktan zordur.
    • Literal translation: Explaining something to an ignorant person is harder than making a camel jump over a ditch.
  • Can çıkmayınca huy çıkmaz.
    • Literal translation: Habits don´t expire until the soul expires.
  • Cömert der maldan ederler, yiğit der candan ederler.
    • Literal translation: They call you "generous" and make you lose your property, they call you "brave" and make you lose your life.


  • Çıkmayan candan umit kesilmez.
    • Literal translation: Hope won´t be cut from the soul that has not expired.
    • Meaning: As long as there is life, there is hope.
  • Çok yaşayan bilmez, çok gezen bilir.
    • Literal translation: Not he who lived long knows, but he who traveled much knows.
    • Meaning: Experience counts more than years.


  • Dağ dağa kavuşmaz,insan insana kavuşur.
    • Literal translation: Mountain won´t meet mountain, but man will meet man.
    • Meaning: Consider that whatever you do to a person, you may meet him again.
  • Damlaya damlaya göl olur.
    • Literal translation: Drop by drop the lake is formed.
    • Meaning: From little acorns, mighty oak trees grow.
  • Davulun sesi uzaktan hoş gelir.
    • Literal translation: The sound of drums sounds nicely from far away.
    • Meaning: The grass looks greener on the other side.
  • Denize düşen yılana sarılır.
    • Literal translation: Who falls into the sea will take hold even of a snake.
    • Meaning: If you are in a bad situation, you will accept any help. Beggars can´t be choosers.
  • Dervişin fikri neyse zikri de odur.
    • Literal translation: Whatever the thoughts of the dervish, so are his formulas.
    • Meaning: Man´s thoughts are revealed in his speech.
  • Deveye sormuşlar neden boynun eğri. "Nerem doğru ki?" demiş.
    • Literal translation: They asked the camel why its neck was curved. "What of me is straight?" it said.
    • Meaning: Criticizing a detail when the whole thing is done badly.
  • Dilinin altın bakla var.
    • Literal meaning: There is a long bean under your tongue.
    • Meaning: You have a secret you won´t share.
  • Doğru söyleyeni dokuz köyden kovarlar.
    • Literal translation: The one who speaks truth would be expelled from nine villages.
    • Meaning: Who always speaks the truth is not popular.
    • Note: "Dokuz" (nine) displays alliteration with "doğru" (truth).
  • Dünyayı sel bassa ördeğe vız gelir.
    • Literal translation: If the world is flooded, it wouldn´t matter for the duck.

5.       doudi94
845 posts
 20 Aug 2008 Wed 11:07 pm


Quoting Trudy

At your service ma´am... lol The bold one is my favourite.... {#lang_emotions_lol_fast}


Okuz altinda buzagi aranmaz.
(Do not search for a calf under a bull.) When someone shows unnecessary amount of suspicion for an action.

Havlayan kopek isirmaz.
(The dog that barks does not bite.) When a person talks too much, it usually does not lead to action.

Vakitsiz oten horozun basini keserler.
(The cock that crows too early gets his head cut off.) There is proper time for every thing.

Yenilen pehlivan gurese doymaz.
(A defeated wrestler never tires of wrestling again.) . A defeated person always asks for second chances.

Ofke ile kalkan zararla oturur.
(He who starts up in anger, sits down with a loss.) Used when one is trying to calm an angry person.

Keskin sirke kupune zarar verir.
(Sharp vinegar only damages its container.) Used to calm down or moderate a person.

Goz gormeyince gonul katlanir.
(Heart endures when eye does not see.) One can endure being far way from loved ones by not seeing them.

Gozden irak, gonulden de irak olur.
(If one is far away, one also gets far away from the heart.) Expresses the feeling that by being far away, one risks losing the love and affection of a person.

Ne ekersen, onu bicersin.
(You harvest what you sow.) Used to remind a person that one´s own past actions are responsible for the present situation.

Ruzgar eken firtina bicer.
(One who sows wind will reap hurricane.) Used to caution people to moderate their actions.

Sormak ayip degil, bilmemek ayip.
(It is not disgraceful to ask, it is disgraceful no to know.) Used to encourage people to be inquisitive.

Bekarlik sultanliktir.
(A bachelor feels like a sultan.) Used by bachelors when asked to explain why they are still single.

Sinek kucuktur, ama mide bulandirir.
(The fly is small, but it can upset your stomach.) Used when an event that seems insignificant to others, still bothers a person.

Incir cekirdegini doldurmaz.
(It won´t fill a fig seed.) Used to express the insignificance of someone´s point in an argument.

Ceviz kabugunda firtina.
(Storm in a walnut shell.) Similar to tempest in a tea cup.

Askin gozu karadir.
(Love is daring.) Can mean that a lover can do anything without calculating the consequences or that love has a blind eye.

Kuzguna yavrusu sahin gorunur.
(To the raven´s eye, its chickens look like falcons.) Used to express the feeling that any baby looks beautiful to its mother.

Suruden ayrilan koyunu kurt kapar.
(The sheep separated from the flock gets eaten by the wolf.) Used to encourage a person to stay within the group as it plans a move.

Ates dustugu yeri yakar.
(An ember burns where it falls.) Used when expressing an appreciation of pain for the people who are close to the injured or hurt person.

Sakinilan goze cop batar.
(An over-protected eye gets the speck.) Being overly careful or overprotective invites misfortunes.

Insan yedisinde ne ise yetmisinde de odur.
(What a man is at seven is also what he is at seventy.) Used when expressing dissatisfaction in unchanged human behavior or the fact that one never learns from one´s mistakes.

Agac yas iken egilir.
(The tree branch should be bent when it is young.) Used to support the need to train a person early in life.

Bir elin nesi var, iki elin sesi var.
(It takes two hands to make a sound.) Similar to "it takes two to tango".

Saman altindan su yurutur.
(Lets water run unnoticed under straw.) Used to define a sly person or behavior.

Anasina bak, kizini al.
(Look at the mother before marrying the daughter.) Expresses the view that a young girl (or a bride) will eventually look and behave like her mother

Atin olumu arpadan olsun.
(Let the horse die from too much barley.) Used to express the feeling that the benefits over weigh the risks.

Deve bir pula, deve bin pula.
(A camel for a dime, a camel for a thousand dimes.) Used to show the irony when a person could not afford something even when it is very cheap, but can later afford it when it is thousand times more expensive.

Cocugunu dovmeyen, dizini dover.
(One who does not slap his children, will slap his knees.) Parents that do not discipline their children early on, will beat themselves later on when they learn the bad things their grown children have done.

Bal tutan parmak yalar.
(One who handles honey, licks his fingers.) Somebody in charge of handling money or resources, get to keep or enjoy some benefits for himself.

Tasima suyla degirmen donmez.
(You can´t run a water mill by carrying water.) It is futile to start a business if you don´t have a sustainable source or you can´t sustain a life style with borrowed money.

Damlaya damlaya gol olur.
(Drop by drop, it will make a pond.) Small savings will lead to substantial wealth. Used to encourage people to save.

Yalancinin mumu yatsiya kadar yanar.
(Liar´s candle will last till evening.) Lies will work only for a limited time.

Pire icin yorgan yakmak.
(Burning a bedcover for a louse.) Used when an action taken does not match the unimportance of the situation.

Kel basa simsir tarak.
(A boxwood comb for a bald head.) Used to make a point when a person indulges beyond his financial means.

Isteyenin bir yuzu kara, vermeyenin iki yuzu.
(The one who asks has one side of his face dark; the one who refuses to give has both sides.) Used to put the shame or burden on the side that can give but refuses to do so.

Sutten agzi yanan, yogurdu ufleyerek yer.
(The one who burns his mouth for drinking milk too hot, eats even yogurt carefully.) Used to make the point that life´s bad experiences teach people to be cautious.

Her yigitin bir yoqurt yeyisi vardir.
(Every man has his own style of eating yogurt.) Used to remind that others may have a different way of doing things and hence asking for tolerance.

Bedava sirke baldan tatlidir.
(Free vinegar is sweeter than honey.) Used to make a point when someone goes after something just because it is free or very cheap even though they would not normally even want it.

Bir kahvenin kirk yil hatiri vardir.
(A cup of coffee commits one to forty years of friendship.) Used to remind that friendships should not be taken lightly and that one should have a long term commitment.

Bicak yarasi gecer, dil yarasi gecmez .
(A knife-wound heals, but a tongue wound festers.) Used to make a point that one should be careful before using hurtful language.

Akil bastadir, yasta degil.
(A man is as wise as his head, not his years.) Used to make a point that even an old person may not have all the wisdom.

Bir musibet, yuz tembihten iyidir.
(A tribulation is better than a hundred warnings.) Used to make a point that one learns better from their mistakes or misfortunes rather than the advice of others.

Guzellik gecer, akil kalir.
(Beauty passes, wisdom remains.) Used to make a point that wisdom matters more than physical beauty.

Dereyi gormeden pacalari sivama.
(Do not roll up your trousers before reaching the stream.) Used to make a point that one should not be overly eager and optimistic about an outcome.

It urur, kervan yurur.
(Dogs bark, but the caravan goes on.) Used to put down someone´s efforts or words and meaning that it won´t have any effect on the outcome. It is a rude but effective expression

Bos laf karin doyurmaz.
(Empty words will not fill an empty stomach.) Used to make a point that one is using empty promises without any real action.

Beterin beteri vardir.
(Every “bad” has its “worse.”.) Used to make a point that things can always go even worse and one should make the best of current situation.

Her koyun kendi bacagindan asilir.
(Every sheep is hung by his own leg.) Used to make a point that every one is responsible from his own actions.

Kopegin duasi kabul olsa idi, gokden kemik yagardi.
(If a dog’s prayers were answered, bones would rain from the sky.) Used as response against somebody with a hurtful or evil wish. It is rude and used only in a verbal fight.

Kumasini verince, astarini ister.
(If you give him cloth, he’ll ask for the lining.) Used to make a point one is being greedy.

Deveye hendek atlatmaktan daha zor.
(It is more difficult than teaching a camel to jump (than to reason with fool).) Used to express frustration in discussion.

Gel demesi kolay, git demesi zordur.
(It is easy to say “Come,” difficult to say “Go.”.) Used to caution that it is easy to invite someone, but difficult to ask them to leave.

Tatli soz yilani deliginden cikarir.
(Kind words will get a snake out of its hole.) Used to express the effectiveness of kind words as opposed to confrontation.

Teker kirilinca yol gosteren cok olur.
(Many will point to the right way after the wheel is broken.) Used to make a point about second guessing after the outcome is known.

Ayagini yorganina gore uzat.
(Stretch your feet according to your blanket.) Used to make a point that one should spend according to his means.

Zenginin mali, fakirin cenesini yorar.
(The rich man’s wealth tires the poor man´s jaw.) Used to make a point that poor talks too much about what the wealthy have.

Dost aci soyler.
(The real friend tells the bitter truth.) Used to soften the blow when a friend needs to give bitter advise.

El elden ustundur.
(One hand may be superior to another.) Used to remind that one should not assume no one else can do better.

Bekara kari bosamak kolay gelir.
(To a bachelor, divorcing a wife comes easy.) Used to point out that when one does not carry a responsibility, it is easy for them to give advice.

Dogmamis cocuga don bicilmez.
(One does not cut cloth for a yet unborn child.) Used to remind that one should not go far ahead of events or make too many assumptions.

Kotu komsu insani kap kacak sahibi yapar.
(Bad neighbour forces one to have his own pots and pans.) Used to remind that not depending on others, makes one self reliant.

Denize dusen yilana sarilir.
(The one that falls in to the sea grabs even a snake.) Used to point out that one may have to chose an unpleasant alternative in a dire situation.

Bu ne perhiz, bu ne lahana tursusu?.
(What is this diet, what is this pickled cabbage?) Used to point out inconsistencies in one´s behaviour or words.

Meyve, agacinin dibine duser
(Fruit of a tree falls near its roots.) Used to point out that children usually turn out like their parents.

Meyve veren agac taslanir.
(The tree bearing fruit, gets stoned.) Used to point out that only a productive person trying to do new things gets to be criticized.

Kizim sana soylerim, gelinim sen anla.
(I tell it to my daughter, for my daughter-in-law to understand.) Used to point out that sometimes a message is intended for someone other than the actual recipient

Umit fakirin ekmegidir.
(Hope is the bread of the poor.) Used to point out that hope helps sustain the poor or needy.

Zararin neresinden donulse kardir.
(Reversing losses at whatever point is a profit.) Used to point out that best action is to reverse course if one is going down the wrong path.

Gorunen koy kilavuz istemez.
(A village that you can see in a distance do not require a guide.) Used to point out that the events are heading to an obvious conclusion and hence further discussion is not warranted.

Hamama giren terler.
(The one who enters a Turkish bath sweats.) Used to point out that one´s actions detemine the consequences and therefore one should not complain about them later.

Tembele is buyur, sana akil ogretsin.
(Demand a task from a lazy person, and be ready to receive advise.) Used to point out that a lazy person will come out with many reasons why a task should or could not be done in order to avoid doing the task.


wow, thanks they were so nice turks seem like wise people!

6.       Queent
183 posts
 20 Aug 2008 Wed 11:08 pm

* El elin eşeğini türkü çığırarak arar.
o Literal translation: One searches for someone else´s donkey while singing songs.
o Meaning: People are not disheartened by the trouble of others.

* Eliştiri hakkı calişmaktan doğar
o Literal translation: The right to criticize comes from work.
o Meaning: Those who haven´t done it shouldn´t criticize it.

* Emek olmadan yemek olmaz.
o Literal translation: Without effort there is no food.
o Meaning: No pain, no gain.
* Fala inanma falsız kalma.
o Literal translation: Don´t believe in foretellings but don´t stay without them.
o Meaning: Foretellings are not to be believed but they might have benefits.
* ençliğin kıymeti ihtiyarlıkta bilinir.
o Literal translation: The value of youth will be known in old age.

* Gençlık bir kuştur, ucar tutamam. Yaşlılık yüktür, bir kuruşa satamam.
o Literal translation: Youth is a bird, escapes my capture. Old age is a heavy burden, can´t sell it for a penny.

* Gökyüzünde düğün var deseler, kadınlar merdiven kurmaya kalkar.
o Literal translation: If they say there is a wedding in the sky, women would try to put up a ladder.
o Meaning: Turkish women like weddings very much.

* Görünen köy kılavuz istemez.
o Literal translation: The village that one can see requires no guide.
o Meaning: No need to say something when it is obvious.

* Gözden uzak olan gönülden de uzak olur.
o Literal translation: Who is far from the eye will also be far from the heart.
o Meaning: One who is out of sight is also out of mind.

* Gülü seven dikenine katlanır.
o Literal translation: Who loves a rose will endure its thorns.
o Meaning: If you love something, you need to accept its undesirable attributes./ everything has its consequences

* Güneş balçıkla sıvanmaz.
o Literal translation: Sun cannot be daubed using wet clay.
o Meaning: One cannot conceal something very obvious whatever they try.

* Güneşte yanmayan gölgenin kıymetini bilmez.
o Literal translation: Who has never been burned in the sun won´t know the value of shadow.
o Meaning: One will not appreciate something, if they haven´t ever been in need of it.

7.       doudi94
845 posts
 20 Aug 2008 Wed 11:08 pm

thanks queent!

8.       Queent
183 posts
 20 Aug 2008 Wed 11:21 pm

    * Hamama giren terler.
          o Literal translation: Who enters the Turkish bath will sweat.
          o Meaning: To bear the consequences of one´s actions.

    * Harman yel ile, düğün el ile olur.
          o Literal translation: Winnowing is with the wind, wedding is with the people.
          o Meaning: Every situation has its own requisits.
    * Hatasiz Kul Olmaz.
          o Literal translation: Flawless human is impossible
          o Meaning: Nobody´s Perfect.

    * Havan dövücünün hık deyicisi.
          o Literal translation: He who hiccups of him who beats the pestle.
          o Meaning: To pretend to help but not do anything.

    * Havlayan köpek ısırmaz.
          o Literal Translation: A barking dog doesn´t bite.
          o Meaning: Someone who lets out his fury by shouting will not do any physical harm. Display of aggression is usually bluff.

    * Hayy´dan gelen Hû´ya gider.
          o Literal translation: What comes from The Ever Living One will go to him.
          o Meaning: He who comes from the creator, will return to him at the end.

    * Hazıra dağlar dayanmaz.
          o Literal translation: Mountains won´t endure on what lies ready.
          o Meaninng: One cannot live forever on one´s savings.

    * Her gönülde bir aslan yatar.
          o Literal translation: There lies a lion in every heart.
          o Meaning: Everybody has bravery somewhere in themselves.

    * Her horoz kendi çöplüğünde öter.
          o Literal translation: Every rooster crows in its own pen.
          o Meaning: People take courage from being in familiar surroundings.

    * Her koyun kendi bacağından asılır.
          o Literal translation: Every sheep is hanged from its own leg.
          o Meaning: Everyone is responsible for his own actions.

    * Her kuşun eti yenmez.
          o Literal translation: One cannot eat the meat of every bird.
          o Meaning: Not every person will do as you say.

    * Her şeyin yenisi, dostun, şarabın eskisi.
          o Literal translation: Every thing is best when new, a friend and wine are best when old.

    * Her taş, baş yarmaz.
          o Literal translation: Not every stone will hurt your head.
          o Meaning: You should not be scared of every little obstacle.

    * Hocanın vurduğu yerde gül biter.
          o Literal translation: A rose will sprout from the place where a teacher has hit.
          o Meaning: No learning without beating.

    * Horozu çok olan köyün sabahı geç olur.
          o Literal translation: In a village with too many roosters morning will come late.
          o Meaning: With too much deliberation a solution won´t be reached.
       * Isıracak köpek dişini göstermez.
          o Literal translation: A dog that intends to bite does not bare its teeth.
          o Meaning: Malicious action is done surreptitiously.
    * İmam gülerse, cemaat kahkaha atar.
          o Literal translation: If the imam scoffs, the community will chortle.
          o Meaning: The leader serves as a model for the people.

    * İsin yanına varan is, misin yanına varan mis kokar.
          o Literal translation: Who goes near soot smells of soot, and who goes near musk smells of musk.
          o Meaning: A person is influenced by the company he keeps.

    * İşleyen demir pas tutmaz.
          o Literal translation: Iron that works does not rust.
          o Meaning: One has to practise to keep up one´s performance.

    * İtle dalaşmaktansa çalıyı dolaşmak yeğdir.
          o Literal translation: It is better to walk around a bush than fight with a dog.

    * İyilik yap denize at, balık bilmezse halik bilir.
          o Literal Translation: Do good and throw it into the sea; if the fish don´t know it, God will.
    * "En iyi karar, verilmiş karardir"
          o Literal meaning: The best desicion is a made one

    * Karga demiş: "Benim ak pak evladim".
          o Literal translation: The crow said: "Oh, my snow-white child".
          o Meaning: Eveyone thinks their child is beautiful.

    * Karga kekliği taklit edeyim derken, kendi yürüyüşünü unutmuş.
          o Literal translation: As the crow tried to imitate the partridge, it forgot its own walking style.
          o Meaning: Be thyself.

    * Kaz gelecek yerden tavuk esirgenmez.
          o Literal translation: A chicken won´t be grudged to a place a goose will come from.
          o Meaning: You need to be ready to sacrifice smaller things to reach your bigger goals.

    * "Koyun bulunmadigi yerde keciye Abdur Rahim Celebi derler"
          o Literal Translation: In the land where there are no sheep, they call goats Abdur Rahim Chelebi
          o Meaning: Akin to in the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king

    * Kefenin cebi yok.
          o Literal translation: The shroud has no pockets.
          o Meaning: You cannot take your earthly belongings with you when you die. Make better things with your wealth.

    * Kel ölür sırma saçlı olur, kör ölür badem gözlü olur.
          o Literal translation: The bald becomes golden haired when he dies, the blind becomes almond eyed when he dies.
          o Meaning: People will attribute unrealistically good qualities to a person once he dies.

    * Kılavuzu karga olanın burnu boktan çıkmaz.
          o Literal translation: The nose of him whose guide is a crow will never get out of the shit.
          o Meaning: Follow the right advise.

    * Körle yatan şaşı kalkar.
          o Literal translation: Who lies with the blind gets up cross-eyed.
          o Meaning: If you are with the wrong person, you will adopt the mistakes.

    * Köşeye sıkışan sıçan kedi taşağı yalar.
          o Literal translation: The cornered rat will lick the balls of the cat.
          o Meaning: A stranded person will act subserviently in order to survive.

    * Kurda ensen neden kalın demişler, kendi işimi kendim görürüm de ondan demiş.
          o Literal translation: They asked the wolf: "Why is your neck thick?", and it said: "I do my job myself, that´s why."

    * Kurunun yanında yaş da yanar.
          o Literal translation: Near the dry, the damp will burn.
          o Meaning: If you are with wrongdoers, nobody cares if you are innocent.

9.       Queent
183 posts
 20 Aug 2008 Wed 11:26 pm

    * Lafla peynir gemisi yürümez.
          o Literal translation: With talking the cheese ship won´t move.
          o Meaning: It´s action that will yield tangible results, not the talking.
    * Mal canı kazanmaz, can malı kazanır.
          o Literal translation: Property will not earn life, but life will earn property.
          o Meaning: Health is more important than wealth.

    * Mart kapıdan baktırır, kazma kürek yaktırır.
          o Literal translation: March makes one look through the door, and makes one burn hoes and shovels.
          o Meaning: Do not act carelessly under influence of enthusiasm, or you might find yourself in a darer situation.

    * Meyveli ağaçı taşlarlar.
          o Literal translation: They throw stones at a tree with fruit.
          o Meaning: Talented people are the object of jealousy.

    * Minareyi çalan kılıfını hazırlar.
          o Literal translation: Who steals the minaret will have a cover ready.
          o Meaning: He that steals can hide.

    * Minareyi yaptırmayan yerden bitmiş sanır.
          o Literal translation: He who did not help building the minaret, thinks that it just grew out from the ground.

    * Misafir umduğunu yemez, bulduğunu yer.
          o Literal translation: A guest will not eat what he hopes for but what he finds.

    * Mühür kimde ise Süleyman odur.
          o Literal translation: Whoever has the Seal, he is Solomon [the prophet].
          o Meaning: Who is the boss calls the shots.
    * Namazda gözü olmayanın ezanda kulağı olmaz.
          o Literal translation: Who has no intention to pray has no ears for the call to prayer.
          o Meaning: One´s perceptions depend on her/his intentions.

    * Ne ekersen onu biçersin.
          o Literal translation: You will reap whatever you sow.

    * Nerede hareket orada bereket.
          o Literal translation: Where there is activity, there is fertility.

    * Nereye gitsen okka dört yüz dirhemdir.
          o Literal translation: Wherever you go, an okka is four hundred dirhem.
          o Meaning: It makes no difference, fact is fact. (An okka is a weight of 1282 gr, or 400 dirhem).
    * Oğlan babadan öğrenir sofra açmayı, kız anadan öğrenir biçki biçmeyi.
          o Literal translation: A son will learn from his father to make a living, a daughter will learn from her mother to cut clothes.

    * Olacakla öleceğe çare bulunmaz.
          o Literal translation: There is no remedy for what will be and who will die.

    * Olan dört bağlar, olmayan dert bağlar.
          o Literal translation: He who has wraps four, he who has not wraps trouble.
          o Meaning: The rich have valuables, the poor have troubles.

    * Olsa ile bulsayı ekmişler, yel ile yuf bitmiş.
          o Literal translation: They sowed "if only" and "if found", and wind and waste sprang up.

10.       doudi94
845 posts
 20 Aug 2008 Wed 11:32 pm

THx queent u sent so much thx for your help i knda got dizzy!!!heheh very informative i also hear a lot of proverbs on noor (lol)!!! and theyre really funny!! i loooooove listening to them!!

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